Monday, January 14, 2013

What is the discriminant anyway?

Answer : The discriminant is a number that can be calculated from any quadratic equation
A quadratic equation is an equation that can be written as
    ax ² + bx + c where a ≠ 0

What is the formula for the Discriminant?

The discriminant in a quadratic equation is found by the following formula and the discriminant provides critical information regarding the nature of the roots/solutions of any quadratic equation.
discriminant= b² − 4ac

Example of the discriminant
  • Quadratic equation = y = 3x² + 9x + 5
  • The discriminant = 9 ² − 4 • 3 •5

Imortant pre requisites
To understand what the discriminant does, it's important that you have a good understanding of
What a quadratic equation is:
Answer: A quadratic equation is an equation in the form of y=ax2+bx+c where ane0 Read more here on this topic
What does the graph of a quadratic equation look like:
Answer: A parabola.
What is the solution of a quadratic equation:
Answer: The solution can be thought of in two different ways.
Algebraically, the solution occurs when y = 0 . So the solution is wherey=ax2+bx+c becomes 9=ax2+bx+c
Graphically, since y = 0 is the x-axis, the solution is where the parabola intercepts the x-axis. (This only works for real solutions).
In the picture below, the left parabola has 2 real solutions (red dots), the middle parabola has 1 real solution (red dot) and the right most parabola has no real solutions (yes, it does have imaginary ones)

What does this formula tell us?

Answer: The discriminant tells us the following information about a quadratic equation:
  • If the solution is a real number or an imaginary number.
  • If the solution is rational or if it is irrational.
  • If the solution is 1 unique number or two different numbers
Nature of the Solutions
Value of the discriminantType and number of SolutionsExample of graph
Positive Discriminant

b² − 4ac > 0
Two Real Solutions
If the discriminant is a perfect square the roots are rational. Otherwise, they areirrational.
picture of positive discriminant
Positive and a Perfect Square

b² − 4ac = perfect square
Two Real RationalSolutions.picture of positive discriminant
Positive and anot a perfect square

b² − 4ac = not a perfect square
Two Real IrrationalSolutions.picture of positive discriminant
Discriminant is Zero

b² − 4ac = 0
One Real Solution
Negative Discriminant

b² − 4ac < 0
No Real Solutions
Two ImaginarySolutions
picture of imaginary solutions
  • Example 1
      Quadratic Equation: y = x² + 2x + 1
    • a = 1
    • b = 2
    • c = 1
    The discriminant for this equation is
    Since the discriminant is zero, there should be 1 real solution to this equation. Below is a picture representing the graph and one solution of this quadratic equation
    Graph of y = x² + 2x + 1
    Picture of graph of  solved quadratic formula

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